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Cover smart, do your part, slow the spread. My Stay-at-Home Lab Shows How Face Coverings Can Slow the Spread of Disease

Contact: Matthew E. Staymates.
Identifier: doi:10.18434/mds2-2302
Version: 1.0
This dataset illustrates the fluid dynamics of human coughing and breathing by using schlieren imaging. This dataset was used to help inform the general public about the importance of face coverings during the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Research Areas
NIST R&D: Public Safety: Public safety communications research
Keywords: schlieren imagingflow visualizationCOVID-19coughface coveringShow more...
These data are public.
Data and related material can be found at the following locations:
Description and context of the activities surrounding the public service announcement video on human coughing and breathing with and without a face covering.

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Version: 1.0
Cite this dataset
Matthew E. Staymates (2020), Cover smart, do your part, slow the spread. My Stay-at-Home Lab Shows How Face Coverings Can Slow the Spread of Disease, National Institute of Standards and Technology, (Accessed 2025-02-14)
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