Data Publication

The NIST Scan Framework for ARTIQ

Philip D Kent Author's orcid, Daniel Slichter Author's orcid, Kyle McKay Author's orcid
Contact: Philip Kent..
Identifier: doi:10.18434/mds2-2434
Version: 1.0... First Released: 2022-02-28 Revised: 2022-02-28

There is a more recent release of this resource available:    1.0.1

The NIST scan framework is a framework that greatly simplifies the process of writing and maintaining scans of experimental parameters using the ARTIQ control system and language. The framework adopts the philosophy of convention over configuration where datasets are stored for analysis and plotting in a standard directory structure.

The framework provides a number of useful features such as automatic calculation of statistics, fitting, validation of fits, and plotting that do not need to be performed by the user. This reduces the size and complexity of scan experiments to make them fast to implement, easy to read, and easy to maintain.
Research Areas
NIST R&D: Physics: Atomic, molecular, and quantumPhysics: Quantum information science
Keywords: ARTIQPythonScans
These data are public.
Data and related material can be found at the following locations:
  Documentation for the NIST scan framework.
Current location of all documentation for the NIST scan framework.
  Source code repository for the NIST scan framework
Current Github repository which will contain all source files for the NIST scan framework. Please contact Philip D. Kent (
Version: 1.0... First Released: 2022-02-28 Revised: 2022-02-28

There is a more recent release of this resource available:    1.0.1

Cite this dataset
Philip D Kent, Daniel Slichter, Kyle McKay (2021), The NIST Scan Framework for ARTIQ, National Institute of Standards and Technology, (Accessed 2024-10-12)
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