Data Publication

Process Monitoring Dataset from the Additive Manufacturing Metrology Testbed (AMMT): RHF Experiment

Ho Yeung Author's orcid, Brandon Lane Author's orcid
Contact: Brandon Lane..
Identifier: doi:10.18434/mds2-2507
Version: 1.0 First Released: 2022-02-28 Revised: 2022-02-28
This dataset includes the files pertaining to a 3D additive manufacturing experiment performed on the Additive Manufacturing Metrology Testbed (AMMT) by Ho Yeung on July 11, 2019. The experiment included 55 separate laser scanned 'pads' created on a bare-metal plate. Each pad corresponds to a different laser processing setting, described in the paper Yeung et al. 2020 ( Files include the input command files, in-situ process monitoring data and metadata, and ex-situ microscope photographic images of the pad surfaces. This data is one of a set of 'AMMT Process Monitoring Datasets', as part of the Metrology for Real-Time Monitoring of Additive Manufacturing project at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (
Research Areas
NIST R&D: Manufacturing: Additive manufacturing
Keywords: Additive manufacturing; laser powder bed fusion; selective laser melting;
These data are public.

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Version: 1.0 First Released: 2022-02-28 Revised: 2022-02-28
Cite this dataset
Ho Yeung, Brandon Lane (2021), Process Monitoring Dataset from the Additive Manufacturing Metrology Testbed (AMMT): RHF Experiment, National Institute of Standards and Technology, (Accessed 2024-10-12)
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