The V3C1 dataset (drawn from a larger V3C video dataset) is composed of 7475 Vimeo videos (1.3 TB, 1000 h) with Creative Commons licenses and mean duration of 8 min. All videos will have some metadata available e.g., title, keywords, and description in json files. The dataset has been segmented into 1,082,659 short video segments according to the provided master shot boundary files. In addition, Keyframes and thumbnails per video segment have been extracted and available.
Research Topics: Information Technology: Data and informatics
Subject Keywords: TREC
video search
content-based video retrieval
Data Access
These data are public. Access rights statement:
Signed agreement is required
Data and related material can be found at the following locations:
George Awad (2022), Vimeo Creative Commons Collection (V3C1), National Institute of Standards and Technology, (Accessed 2024-09-18)
Repository Metadata
Machine-readable descriptions of this dataset are available in the following formats:
Access Metrics
Metrics data is not available for all datasets, including this one. This may be because the data is served via servers external to this repository.