Data Publication

Ideal-Gas Thermodynamic Properties for Organic Compounds Containing Up to 7 C, O, or N Atoms

Andrei Kazakov, Eugene Paulechka Author's orcid
Contact: Andrei F. Kazakov.
Identifier: doi:10.18434/mds2-2561
Version: 1.0 First Released: 2023-04-06 Revised: 2023-04-06
This data set contains enthalpies of formation, entropies, heat capacities, and thermal enthalpies for about 400 compounds available in the NIST TRC SOURCE database. The enthalpies of formation are computed using the ab initio-based protocol reported in the references below. The other properties are calculated by statistical thermodynamics using the "rigid rotor - harmonic oscillator" approximation. The conformational contributions are found by the Gibbs energy averaging of the properties of the conformers.
Research Areas
NIST R&D: Physics: ThermodynamicsChemistry: Theoretical chemistry and modelingChemistry: Thermochemical properties
Keywords: Theoretical Thermochemistryab initio computationsideal gas propertiesenthalpy of formationuncertainty
These data are public.

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Version: 1.0 First Released: 2023-04-06 Revised: 2023-04-06
Cite this dataset
Andrei Kazakov, Eugene Paulechka (2022), Ideal-Gas Thermodynamic Properties for Organic Compounds Containing Up to 7 C, O, or N Atoms, National Institute of Standards and Technology, (Accessed 2025-03-10)
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