Data Publication

X-ray Properties Database in SQLite Format

Nicholas W. M. Ritchie Author's orcid
Contact: Nicholas Ritchie..
Identifier: doi:10.18434/mds2-2819
Version: 1.0 First Released: 2022-12-02 Revised: 2022-12-02
A SQLite database containing mass absorption coefficient (both discrete and continuous), atomic sub-shell binding energy, X-ray energy, jump ratio, ground-state occupancy, atomic relaxation rate following core shell ionization and X-ray linewidth data.

The data is in the common SQLite format and also available in SQL format. SQLite is an open-source database which is supported on many different platforms.

This database represents a compilation of data from other sources.   Each datum is labeled with a literature reference which represents the source. The references are listed in the LIT_REFERENCES table with associated BIBTEX reference data. The two exceptions to this rule are the FFAST and FFAST_EXTRA tables which are associated with the Chantler2005 reference.
Research Areas
NIST R&D: Chemistry: Analytical chemistryMaterials: Materials characterizationMaterials: Modeling and computational material sciencePhysics: Spectroscopy
Keywords: mass absorption coefficientatomic sub-shell binding energyX-ray energyjump-ratioground-state occupancyShow more...
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Version: 1.0 First Released: 2022-12-02 Revised: 2022-12-02
Cite this dataset
Nicholas W. M. Ritchie (2022), X-ray Properties Database in SQLite Format, National Institute of Standards and Technology, (Accessed 2024-11-03)
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