Data Publication

PSCR Usability Project_Voices of First Responders

Yee-Yin Choong Author's orcid, Shanée Dawkins Author's orcid, Kerrianne Buchanan Author's orcid
Contact: Yee-Yin Choong..
Identifier: doi:10.18434/mds2-2820
Version: 1.0 First Released: 2023-01-05 Revised: 2023-01-05
The Usability Team of the National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) Public Safety Communications Research (PSCR) program works to identify issues faced by first responders surrounding the use of their existing and emerging public safety communication technology. The team conducted an exploratory, sequential, mixed-methods study to gather insights into first responders' needs for and problems experienced with communication technology. The multi-phase study included in-depth interviews with 193 first responders in Phase 1, followed by a nationwide survey of 7,182 first responders in Phase 2, across four public safety disciplines, Communication Center & 9-1-1 Services (COMMS), Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Fire Service (FF), and Law Enforcement (LE).

The data consists of two datasets: (1) Phase 1 data from 193 interviews with first responders from four disciplines (COMMS, EMS, FF, LE) including direct quotes from interviewees categorized by codes/subcodes with demographic information included; (2) Phase 2 survey data from 7,182 first responders from four disciplines (COMMS, EMS, FF, LE) including their responses on what technology they have and use, along with their needs for and problems experienced with communication technology; demographic information is also included.
Research Areas
NIST R&D: Information TechnologyInformation Technology: Usability and human factorsPublic SafetyPublic Safety: Public safety communications research
Keywords: Communication technologyFirst respondersPublic safetyUsabilityHuman FactorsShow more...
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 Choong, Y.-Y., Dawkins, S., Furman, S., Greene, K. K., Prettyman, S. S., & Theofanos, M. F. (2018). Voices of first responders - identifying public safety communication problems: findings from user-centered interviews, phase 1, volume 1.
 Dawkins, S., Choong, Y.-Y., Theofanos, M. F., Greene, K. K., Furman, S., Steves, M., & Prettyman, S. S. (2019). Voices of first responders - examining public safety communication problems and requested functionality:
 Greene, K. K., Dawkins, S., Theofanos, M. F., Steves, M., Furman, S., Choong, Y.-Y., & Prettyman, S. S. (2019). Voices of first responders - examining public safety communication from the rural perspective:
 Steves, M., Theofanos, M. F., Choong, Y.-Y., Dawkins, S., Furman, S., Greene, K. K., & Prettyman, S. S. (2020). Voices of first responders-examining public safety communication from the perspective of 9-1-1 call takers and dispatchers:
 Choong, Y.-Y., & Salvendy, G. (2021). Voices of First Responders – Applying Human Factors and Ergonomics Knowledge to Improve the Usability of Public Safety Communications Technology: Findings from User-Centered Interviews, Phase 1, Volume 5.
 Greene, K. K., Dawkins, S., Prettyman, S. S., Konkol, P., Theofanos, M. F., Mangold, K., Furman, S., Choong, Y.-Y., & Steves, M. P. (2020). Voices of first responders-nationwide public safety communication survey methodology:
 Dawkins, S., Greene, K. K., & Prettyman, S. S. (2020). Voices of first responders--nationwide public safety communication survey findings:
 Dawkins, S., Buchanan, K., & Prettyman, S. S. (2021). Voices of First Responders—Nationwide Public Safety Communication Survey Findings: Day to Day Technology, Phase 2, Volume 3.
 Choong, Y.-Y. (2022). Voices of First Responders: How to Facilitate Adoption and Usage of Communication Technology -.
 Choong, Y.-Y. (2022). Voices of First Responders: Nationwide Public Safety Communication Survey Findings.
 Dawkins, S. (2022). Voices of First Responders: Communication Center & 9-1-1 Services.
 Dawkins, S. (2022). Voices of First Responders: Emergency Medical Services.
 Dawkins, S. (2022). Voices of First Responders: Fire Service.
 Dawkins, S. (2022). Voices of First Responders: Law Enforcement.
Version: 1.0 First Released: 2023-01-05 Revised: 2023-01-05
Cite this dataset
Yee-Yin Choong, Shanée Dawkins, Kerrianne Buchanan (2022), PSCR Usability Project_Voices of First Responders, National Institute of Standards and Technology, (Accessed 2024-10-12)
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