Data Publication

Correlating Near-Infrared Spectra to Bulk Properties in Polyolefins

Bradley P. Sutliff Author's orcid, Shailja Goyal Author's orcid, Tyler B. Martin Author's orcid, Peter A. Beaucage Author's orcid, Debra J. Audus Author's orcid, Sara V. Orski Author's orcid
Contact: Bradley Sutliff.
Identifier: doi:10.18434/mds2-3022
Version: 1.0... First Released: 2023-06-09 Revised: 2023-06-09

There is a more recent release of this resource available:    1.2.0

This repository includes example code and data to correlate near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR) measurements with physical measurements for pure polyolefin samples. Specifically the provided Jupyter Notebook focuses on NIR correlations with density, crystallinity, and short chain branching. For additional information on using the code, please refer to the, and for more information on the provided data, please refer to the Both files are included here and with the github code repository.

For further information on methodology and interpretation, please refer to Bradley P. Sutliff, Shailja Goyal, Tyler B. Martin, Peter A. Beaucage, Debra J. Audus, and Sara V. Orski, "Correlations of Near-Infrared Spectra to Bulk Properties in Polyolefins, using Principal Component Analysis" Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2023 (in press)
Research Areas
NIST R&D: Materials: PolymersMaterials: Materials characterizationChemistry: Molecular characterizationInformation Technology: Data and informaticsChemistry: Analytical chemistry
Keywords: PolyolefinNear-visible IRShort Chain BranchingCrystallinityDensityShow more...
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Version: 1.0... First Released: 2023-06-09 Revised: 2023-06-09

There is a more recent release of this resource available:    1.2.0

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Bradley P. Sutliff, Shailja Goyal, Tyler B. Martin, Peter A. Beaucage, Debra J. Audus, Sara V. Orski (2023), Correlating Near-Infrared Spectra to Bulk Properties in Polyolefins, National Institute of Standards and Technology, (Accessed 2025-02-14)
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