Science Theme Collection Beta

CHIPS METIS Data Collection

Marla Dowell, Paul Hale, Bob Keller, Isvar Cordova, Antara Nandi, Becca Routson, June Lau.
CHIPS Metrology Director : Marla Dowell
CHIPS Metrology Deputy Director : Paul Hale
Grand Challenge 1 & 6 Program Manager : Bob Keller
Grand Challenge 2 Program Manager : Isvar Cordova
Grand Challenge 3 & 6 Program Manager : Antara Nandi
Grand Challenge 4 & 5 Program Manager : Becca Routson
Data Management Program Manager : June Lau
Contact: METIS Project Team.
Identifier: ark:/88434/pdr0-0002
Version: 1.0... First Released: 2024-04-11
This collection portal provides finding aids for the CHIPS Metrology Exchange to Innovate for Semiconductors (METIS) digital assets including data, code, and a variety of resources. It spans multiple discipline areas: Materials Research, Semiconductors, Simulations, Microelectronics, and will evolve in alignment with the CHIPS Metrology program. In addition to NIST physical reference materials, these digital assets support commercial industry and partner laboratories validation of their analytical methods. The collection data is curated to promote provenance and traceability through use of standards and best practices in data driven systems.
Research Areas
NIST R&D: Materials: CeramicsStandards: Reference dataPhysics: Condensed matterMaterials: Modeling and computational material scienceElectronics: Thin-film electronicsShow more...
Keywords: semiconductorsmicroelectronicssemiconductor metrologyadvanced packagingCHIPS researchShow more...
Data and related material can be found at the following locations:
  NIST CHIPS Metrology Website
NIST CHIPS Metrology oveview, areas of research, policy, and practice
Datasets in this collection
Version: 1.0... First Released: 2024-04-11
Cite this collection
METIS Project Team (2024), CHIPS METIS Data Collection, National Institute of Standards and Technology, (Accessed 2025-02-14)
Repository Metadata
Machine-readable descriptions of this collection are available in the following formats: